防範病毒入侵的三大步驟: 病毒 (包括類似作用的蠕蟲和特洛伊木馬病毒) 是一種在電腦上執行的惡意程式。有些病毒會刪除或變更檔案;有些會消耗電腦資源;而有些則可以讓外部入侵者存取你的檔案。病毒的明顯特徵之一就是能夠自我複製,而且能夠擷取連絡人清單中的電子郵件地址,然後將自己傳送到這些地址。受到病毒感染的電腦,可能會將病毒傳遍整個公司,導致長時間停機和資料遺失 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/smallbusiness/themes/email/article2.mspx......


2007-12-28 14:14:56 / 個人分類:機殼

IKONIK, the young, ambitious and award winning manufacturer of high-end cases and power supplies, is delighted to announce its presence at Computex 2009 in Taipei, Taiwan. IKONIK is very much looking forward to being present again at the biggest IT exhibition in Asia and showing her new, intelligent products in Nangang exhibition hall on the 1st floor at booth K1101.

TAG: 機殼


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